If you don't know take it to a qualified mechainic. It is your Brakes and your life if done wrong.
If you really wnat to do it yourself get a Clymers manual.
Tells you step by step how to work on your car.How to change brake pads on 94 toyota celica?drums or disc?
Its gonna be pretty much the same on any car.
Ya take the wheel off, release the brake line pressure by turning the bleeder valve until it starts to drip (the valve looks like a bolt with a triangular top). then unbolt the non pivoting bolt ( if you look at the caliper from the top, you will see one bolt looks like it goes all the way through the caliper... this is the pivoting bolt (i dont know the exact terminology but this is what i call it) when you unbolt that bolt, the caliper will either swing up or down... swing it up or down and youll have acces to the pads, they just slide out.
If it was me, i would also take the rotor off, because its going to need to be resurfaced. Any automotive shop can resurface it.. the last time i did mine, they were $5 a rotor, but i had quotes as high as $20 each..
anyways, so replace the springs and pads, be sure to use the anti seize (copper) compound so that the caliper doesnt seize, then your going to need a large c clamp. Youre going to have to put the clamp on one side of the caliper and push in the piston until it will clear the rotor and new pads. (the piston is the big round things that puts pressure on the pads... it might have 2... but i doubt a 94 would). then once the piston has cleared the pads and is pretty much in place,release the clamp, tighten the bolt, get someone inside the car to press the brakes while you open the bleeder valve. while they are holding the brakes, tighten the valve. Then fill up the brake fluid in the resivior and you should be good to go.
Ive never done drums, so i couldnt tell ya a thing about them.How to change brake pads on 94 toyota celica?don't release the fluid as someone mentioned.....
Just remove the wheel and loosen the 2 bolt that hold the caliper in place... take the bottom one out... and swing the caliper upwards... change the pads - They just slide out... You'll have to push the piston in...and swivel the caliper back down - Tighten two bolts... but wheel back on... if you lossen the bleeder bolt... yes it's easier to puch the piston in... but then you'll have air that makes the brakes less effective and spongie! Then bleed them... When you first get in the car - Make sure you pump the brakes a few times before moving the car - Then take it easy and drive around for a little while to allow the new brake pads to seat properly... If the ritors are heavily scored and/or rusted or have dep grooves... get them machined...
Good luck!