Remove the caliper, remove the discs, open the master cylinder,squeeze the piston with a c-clamp, put the new discs on,replace caliper, Press brake petal several times to seat the pads, fill master cylinder and close.Instructions on how to change brake pads on a 1996 Dodge Caravan SE?You might say please!!Instructions on how to change brake pads on a 1996 Dodge Caravan SE?take off lug nuts
take off tire
take off hub
take off old pads
then replaceInstructions on how to change brake pads on a 1996 Dodge Caravan SE?When pushing the caliper piston back you need to clamp the flex hose and open the bleeder screw. If you do not do this you may damage the anti-lock system or the master clyinder. You don't want to push all that dirt back through the system.