Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How do you change disc brake pads on a 1994 lincoln towncar?

Grab a manual for this. It'll be easier and the directions will be much more specific to your car. Haynes and Chiltons both make good ones with plenty of pictures.

First, jack up the car and rest it on jack stands. DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT JACK STANDS. People will say it's fine, and a jack will hold, which many will, however, I had a seal in one give out on me once. An extra couple of minutes for jack stands will save you from the scare of your life.

Pop off the wheels. Yuo'll be looking at the rotor and the caliper now.

You'll need....

Brake Cleaner (aerosol spray)

Something to catch the overspray, like an oil pan

Wrenches and a socket set

Maybe a set of allen wrenches

Some brake grease

New Pads

Emory Cloth (sandpaper)

A bungee cord or a metal coat hanger

A C-Clamp

Pop off the caliper by unbolting wjhat is normally two bolts holding it. Take the old pads out.

Using the bungee cord, hang the caliper somewhere that will give the rubber brake lines some slack.

Take your emory cloth, and sand circles into the rotor. Not to make marks, more just to remove old brake dust and glazing. Spray down with the brake cleaner thoroughly.

Take the new pads, and follow the instructions on the inside. You will be greasing where it tells you to...the BACK of the pads where there will be a metal to metal connection. DO NOT GET THIS GREASE ON THE ROTOR.

Place grease on the contact points on the calipers as well. Use Brake Grease, or high temperature grease.

There should be a giant piston on the brake line side of the caliper. With the c-clamp, depress this. You may get some fluid spilling out of your brake resevoir, but it's ok. As long as none of the lines are disconnected, you won;t have to bleed the system.

Place the pads in the caliper, put it back on the rotor, tighten and torque the bolts to specification.

Open beer.
  • drawing a circle
  • dog