I've never changed brake pads before and I'm not particularly car savvy, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Is it that easy or hard? Is it safe to do it myself for the first time with a 2600 mile trip? ThanksGoing on a cross country trip, need my brake pads changed, is it safe to do it myself, never done it?yeah, just don't open the hydraulic lines. Leave your old pad in the caliper on the side where the piston is and use a c clamp to push the piston back in. This will give you clearance to fit your new pads over the rotor. Do one side at a time and make sure you use disc brake quiet all over the back of the pads. Happy wrenching....Going on a cross country trip, need my brake pads changed, is it safe to do it myself, never done it?I don't know where you live. I recently had that done on my Toyota and it wasn't very expensive.
If I was taking a trip that far and had no experience working on cars, I wouldn't do any part of a brake job myself. If you do one little thing wrong and your 100 miles from home, or anywhere between your home and final destination, and suddenly something goes wrong due to your having done your own brake job, it could be very expensive to have repaired, and or very dangerous for you. Not worth the money you would save. Pay for professionals to do the job for you, and enjoy your trip. Go to Farm and Fleet, if you have one near you, or WalMart, or Midas. Midas is the most expensive. Good luck had have a fun trip.Going on a cross country trip, need my brake pads changed, is it safe to do it myself, never done it?No. If you have never done it, have it done. You are going to far to mess with your brakes and not know what you're doing. Your life is worth it.