Monday, September 19, 2011

How come I can change the front brake pads but not the rear on my car?

Is there i different method that is applied to the rear brakes?How come I can change the front brake pads but not the rear on my car?Alot of rear caliper pistons need to be %26quot;turned%26quot; and %26quot;pushed%26quot; in. This can be a very tricky ordeal. Alot of the time they will just turn and turn and turn.How come I can change the front brake pads but not the rear on my car?the rear brakes are also the parking brake. Sometimes the caliper piston will have slot on the end of it for a tool to turn the piston as it is pressed in. Buy a repair manual for the car that will tell you the proper procedure for compressing the caliper piston. You may need a specialty tool to engage the slots and turn the piston while compressing it. I hope this helps