Friday, September 23, 2011

I need instructions on how to change my brake pads on my '86 Plymouth reliant?

i am not sure which order to take out the bolts/screws . dont have alot of tools to work with, but need as much advice as possible. I am doing this all by myself, also ASAP please and thx.I need instructions on how to change my brake pads on my '86 Plymouth reliant?Here is the link to the Auto Zone repair manual need instructions on how to change my brake pads on my '86 Plymouth reliant?Go to Autozone or other store and buy a repair manual. They are a wealth of information for the price you pay. But if you want a short description on disc brakes here you go. If disc looks shiny or has grooves you need to have it machined. You need the manual for disc removal. If disc is in good shape, remove pads. Then slowly compress the pistons with a clamp or other tool. Install new pads and check fluid level. That's the short of it. Buy the manual, well worth it.